Smoke and Tobacco-Free @ Georgetown University

Georgetown University joins thousands of colleges and universities across the country as a smoke-free/tobacco-free campus.
Making this important change is about caring for our community – smokers, tobacco-users and non-users alike – and aligning ourselves with our values of Care for the Whole Person and Men and Women for Others. We join MedStar (2009), the Medical Center (2011) and Law Center (2016) – all of which have had very successful tobacco-free policies.
Effective August 15, 2020, Georgetown University is tobacco and smoke-free. Smoking and other tobacco use is prohibited inside and around the exterior of Georgetown University buildings and on campus grounds.
Resources to support people in quitting tobacco continue to be available to faculty, staff and students. We hope you will take advantage of the many supports offered.
Smoke and Tobacco-Free Policy

The purpose of this policy is to maintain a safe and healthy environment at Georgetown University (GU) for our students, faculty, staff, visitors and contractors.
Smoking and other tobacco use, including carrying any burning cigarette, cigar or pipe, or any form of e-cigarette, is prohibited within Georgetown University owned or leased buildings, grounds and vehicles. Smoking and other tobacco use is prohibited at all times inside and around the exterior of Georgetown University buildings and on Georgetown University grounds, including in plazas, gardens, mezzanines, podiums, sidewalks, parking lots, garages, and driveways. Smoking and other tobacco use is not permitted within Georgetown University owned vehicles wherever they may be located and in privately owned vehicles located on Georgetown University owned and/or leased property.
This policy applies to all GU students, faculty, staff,visitors and contractors, while in GU-owned or leased buildings, grounds or vehicles.
The success of this policy relies on the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of smokers and nonsmokers, not only to comply, but also to encourage others to comply. Any student who repeatedly refuses to abide by this Policy may be considered in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and will be handled accordingly. Repeat violations by any faculty or staff member will be handled through normal University processes.
The responsible office for this policy is the Office of Faculty Staff Benefits, Payroll and Wellness.The responsible officer is the Chief Benefits Officer. Questions about the Smoke/TobaccoFree University policy should be directed to the Chief Benefits Officer at 202-687-2500.
Information on smoking cessation programs can be found at
University Wide Announcement: April 2019
Effective Date of Policy: August 15, 2020
View and download policy from Box.
Have questions or concerns? Contact Charles DeSantis at