Announcing a Smoke and Tobacco-Free Georgetown University

Posted in Announcements

Message sent to GU community on April 25, 2019.

Dear Members of the Georgetown University Community,

For the last several years, the University has been engaged in conversation and planning to support the transition to a smoke and tobacco-free campus. Moving this important initiative forward is an expression of who we are as a University and how we live out one of our most central values: care of the whole person.

Effective August 15, 2020, Georgetown University will be smoke-free and tobacco-free.

We are delighted to join the thousands of smoke-free and tobacco-free colleges and universities across the country that support the health and well-being of their students, faculty, staff and visitors. We also realize this is a change that may significantly impact many members of our community. We hope to create a supportive transition by providing individuals with more than a year’s notice and access to a variety of tobacco and smoking cessation resources.

You can view the approved Smoke and Tobacco-Free Policy here.  

The University continues to offer resources to support tobacco cessation. More information about the many cessation resources available can be found at smoke tobaccofree

If you have have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at .

Be well,

Charles DeSantis
Chief Benefits Officer
Associate Vice President, Benefits, Payroll and Wellness