Faculty Retirement Programs
As part of the continuing effort to allow eligible faculty and the University to plan for retirement, the University is providing a Special Buyout Program in addition to the standing Phased Retirement Program in 2024.
Whereas the Phased Retirement Program is an ongoing program, the Special Buyout Program is a one-time offering that provides a Special Buyout payment and certain additional benefits to faculty who participate and retire on June 30, 2024 (or June 30, 2025 for Law Center faculty). Application deadlines vary according to campus.
Information Sessions on Zoom
Special Buyout Program
Phased Retirement Program
Important Contacts
- Main Campus: Kristen Rogers, Director of Faculty Affairs Administration, viceprovostforfaculty@georgetown.edu
- Medical Center: Elliott Crooke, Vice President for Faculty and Academic Affairs, ofaa@georgetown.edu
- Law Center: Emily Smith, Director of Faculty Affairs, eny3@georgetown.edu
- Office of Faculty and Staff Benefits: Rachel Bridges, Director, Benefits Services and Communications, rachel.bridges@georgetown.edu.