Salary Continuance

Salary Continuance is a paid short term disability leave, if approved. To apply, you must submit a claim, along with documentation of medical necessity from a healthcare provider, directly to Georgetown University’s disability leave administrator, MetLife.

If approved, Salary Continuance benefits replace 100% of your income in the event you become unable to work due to an injury, illness, or other medical scenario such as a scheduled surgery or birth of a child. There is no waiting period for benefits under this plan.

If your claim is denied, you may request unpaid personal leave through your Faculty Affairs office.

Salary Continuance benefits continue until:

  • The date you are no longer disabled;
  • The date you reach the “recovery limit” for your type of disability; or
  • The date you reach the maximum benefit period of three months.


Full-time faculty hired to work at 75% FTE are eligible for salary continuance.

Application Process

Effective July 1, 2022, MetLife will be the administrator for faculty medical disability claims under the Salary Continuance plan.

How to apply:

1. Report your leave of absence to your Department Chair and maintain contact with him/her throughout your entire leave period.

2. Contact MetLife at 877-638-8262 to initiate your Salary Continuance medical disability claim. If your absence is scheduled, such as an upcoming hospital stay or birth of a child, call MetLife 30 days prior to your last day of work. If unscheduled, please call MetLife as soon as possible.

MetLife will also initiate any applicable Family Medical Leave at this time. The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides unpaid, job protection leave that runs currently with other paid and unpaid leaves. You can learn more about FMLA here.

3. MetLife will review your claim and contact you if additional information is required. To track your claim, register and log into You can download the MetLife U.S. App to submit and view your claim on your SmartPhone.

4. If you are eligible for paid leave benefits from the District of Columbia’s Office of Paid Family Leave, visit to register and apply.

D.C. Paid Family Leave

Benefits under the the District of Columbia’s Paid Family Leave (PFL) Program are administered directly through the Department of Employment Services and provides up to eight weeks of paid time off for qualifying reasons.

All Georgetown leave policies will run concurrent with DC’s UPL plan whenever possible.  

Payment from Georgetown University under the Salary Continuance program will be reduced by any estimated benefit from the District of Columbia’s Paid Family Leave.  During leaves of absence Georgetown University employees will be compensated up to 100% of their salary from all sources combined. You can learn more about how GU benefits coordinate with DC PFL benefits here.