Baby Boom
There is a baby boom happening.
Summer is the top season for births in the United States, according to records kept by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and August usually takes the title as the month during which the most babies are born. Who knew?
And all these babies will need to see the doctor soon after coming home from the hospital. So how and when do you add your baby to your Georgetown health benefits?
The answer is it is easy and you can do it yourself in GMS after your child is born. Birth certificates are not immediately available to serve as required documentation, but any official document that indicates your child’s date of birth and your parentage will suffice (e.g. hospital discharge paperwork, child’s footprint records, or “Proof of Birth” letter).
Below you will find the step by step instructions for enrolling your baby in benefits through GMS. Your Event Type will be Birth or Adoption, and your Event Date will be the baby’s date of birth. Very important reminder. You have 60 days from the date of your child’s birth to submit your elections and documentation to add your baby to this coverage, but your baby’s first visit to the doctor usually occurs much earlier. If the mother is covered by one of Georgetown’s medical plans. Have questions or trouble along the way? Drop us a line at