October 2006

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Philodemic Room

3:00  – 4:00 p.m.

Attendees:  Elliott Crooke, Jean Daly, William  Droms, Dick Bates, Susan Buckingham, Harvey Iglarsh, Vivian Murphy, Charles DeSantis, Virginia Flavin, Rosemary Kilkenny, Melvinia Towns, Robert Robinson, Rachel Bridges

The meeting began at approximately 3:10 p.m.

Approval of September Minutes

The minutes from the September meeting were amended and, subsequently, unanimously approved.

2007 Open Enrollment Update

Charles DeSantis extended his thanks to the BAC and to members of the Office of Faculty and Staff Benefits for a successful ramp up to Open Enrollment.  Projects that are currently underway, and nearing completion, include: Implementation of Reliance Standard as the University’s new insurer of short- and long-term disability benefits; PriceWaterhouse Coopers annual audit; filing of 5500’s with the IRS; redesign of new benefits website; and implementation of the 2007 Georgetown Medical Plan Chooser.

Informational outreach sessions relating to Open Enrollment are currently underway.  To date, Charles and members of his staff have addressed faculty and staff at both the Law Center and on Wisconsin Avenue. Ten additional sessions are scheduled and will be held between now and late November, culminating in an Enrollment Lab on November 29 which will assist faculty, staff and retirees with last minute open enrollment questions and the online enrollment process.

Four temporary staff members have been hired to man the Open Enrollment Call Center effective November 1.  Training is currently underway.

OE Follow Up Items

2-year Dental Election

There will be no required 2-year election for dental benefits.  

Student Age Limitations

The current student age limitations will remain as they are:  26 for Kaiser (regardless of student status); 19 and 30 for CareFirst, UHC, and Aetna; 19 and 26 for EyeMed.

FSA Election Extension

The Office of Faculty and Staff Benefits will accept FSA elections and changes through December 15, as printed in the Open Enrollment Guide distributed to Faculty and Staff.  Elections can be made online through Employee Access+ through November 30, and then by contacting the Office of Faculty and Staff Benefits.

Benefits Fairs

Benefits Fairs are being held November 1 – 3.  BAC members were asked to volunteer to represent the committee at the fairs and sign up for hour-long timeslots.

Flu Shot Update

A broadcast email on flu shots will be distributed to faculty and staff on Monday, October 30.  Flu Shots will be available at the November 1 Benefits Fairs, and on several dates through mid-November at the old cafeteria in Darnall Hall.

Meeting Schedule

Several members of the committee have indicated ongoing conflicts with the current meeting time.  A new meeting time will be identified within the next few weeks and all committee members will be asked to submit their availability.  

The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:10 p.m.